So, last weekend while we were driving Steve goes "do you realize that the freshman class starting at WSU this week was starting kindergarten when you started college?" After a brief lapse of hyperventilation and doing the math five times over in my head, I realized he was right.
Next thought...
Therefore, in memory of this TWELVE year reunion and my first few months in Pullman, I dug DEEP into the photo archives. Nope, not through the Snapfish or Kodak Gallery archives, instead through the Bartells, Rite-Aid and ShopKo photo sleeves.

Bid Day...the day I joined Pi Phi's and the day I met girls that I will be friends with forever

And to reminisce just a bit more, here are a few things that were different about our lives TWELVE years ago...
- Internet/email was rare.
- Burning cd's was brand new and one of the coolest things to hit Greek row.
- Cell phones/texting were non-existent. I thank God that we didn't have texting or phones as I know for a fact I'd probably be locked up in a loony bin. BUT I was just a bit cooler (or nerdier - depending on how you want to look at it) than the rest with my pager.
- Blue eye-shadow and white eye-liner were very popular.
- Hmmmmm were fat faces in??? Or was that just the way a handful of us started off in college?
Ahhh....I LOVE these pics! Lots of laughs! Seriously, I hardly recognized you in some of these :)
So cute and too funny!
Ahhh! I love it! And it is so true. Colby just started college and he was going into first grade when he came with J&J to move me into Regents! We are SOOOO old! Great great pics!
12 years???? Whaaaat??? I'm hyperventalating! I'm also having a bit of a problem with those pics...we thought we were hot stuff...not so much! I think someone shulda given me a lesson on how to apply bronzer and how to diet. Someone shulda informed you that mom jeans ans tucked in shirt aren't a good look for a studio 54 party...but then again neither was that jumpsuit I wore...sick/ sick sick!!!
What a fun post! The eyeliner comment totally hit home with me...what were we thinking??!!
ha!!! I love this post! Can NOT believe it has been 12 years?! We were quite the beauties those days. Is Cabe talking on the phone in the dorm pic?
those are awesome! I might have to go dig through all my pics now..
These are so funny! Seriously, you can spot a WSU sorority girl circa late 90's in 2 seconds! Dark lips, vamp skin, fat face, mom jeans, ill fitting (aka too tight) tank top, poofy shoulder length curled under hair. Gross. Seriously what we were thinking!!???
HAHA! This is hilarious! And speaking of 12 years ago....I finally just through away a forest green puffy vest that I had purchased at Shopko the weekend we dropped you off at WSU. It was manly and way too big on my shoulders--but than again that was the look back then :)
LOL! WSU fashion circa 90's/2000-- hey, all we had was The Moscow Mall.... black party pants!!
LOVE these pictures! What a fun trip down memory lane. In some of the pictures, I literally don't recognize you!
Megs - to clarify, I was not attending the Studio 54 party with you and Max...I probably wasn't invited (I mean look at me) and was most likely headed to the library.
OMG I am dying! This post brought the HUGEST smile to my face! Too funny. Oh the memories!!!
Ahhhh! So funny! I want to go look at all of my pics now. You were kind of a cross between a mom and a boy in some of these. Lol!
Ha! Avery! A cross between a mom and a boy...does that make her a Dad??? were you visiting me for Dad's weekend Coffey?
I also forgot to comment on the "candy necklace as jewelry" picture...ahhhhh! So gross! We totally wore those out to parties freshman year! What were we thinking!?
And I love that you weren't cool enough to go to the Studio 54 party, hahahaha!
Haha! Perhaps a dad, or maybe just her alter ego, Chaz.
So funny, I can't believe it's been 12 years!! Did you mention the black party pants??
I will NEVER forget bid day... we were so exciting to have our new babies! Seriously, we loved you girls and were so happy and freaking out when they were reading off your names! Such amazing memories and friendships that formed because of Pi Phi's. xoxoxo
Wow, love this post...and to think we looked so hot back in the day...YIKES!!! what were we thinking with candy necklaces, puffy vests and WHITE EYELINER!!! lol what an awesome post
OMG. This post is AWESOME and took me right back to our early Coug it!
Omgosh...Coff...I am dying. Nice post...brings back lots of memories! Were you even in those pics?
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