So, last weekend while we were driving Steve goes "do you realize that the freshman class starting at WSU this week was starting kindergarten when you started college?" After a brief lapse of hyperventilation and doing the math five times over in my head, I realized he was right.
Next thought...
Damn I'm Old
Therefore, in memory of this TWELVE year reunion and my first few months in Pullman, I dug DEEP into the photo archives. Nope, not through the Snapfish or Kodak Gallery archives, instead through the Bartells, Rite-Aid and ShopKo photo sleeves.
Bid Day...the day I joined Pi Phi's and the day I met girls that I will be friends with forever
The Pi Phi house
My girlfriends from the dorm before I moved into the sorority 2nd semester/freshman year.
Gangster Night - duh
Grout, me and Max - I'm guessing this was for the Studio 54 party
Skiing at Schweitzer with Grout, Lo, Max and a few of the ATO boys
And to reminisce just a bit more, here are a few things that were different about our lives TWELVE years ago...
- Internet/email was rare.
- Burning cd's was brand new and one of the coolest things to hit Greek row.
- Cell phones/texting were non-existent. I thank God that we didn't have texting or phones as I know for a fact I'd probably be locked up in a loony bin. BUT I was just a
bit cooler (or nerdier - depending on how you want to look at it) than the rest with my pager.
- Blue eye-shadow and white eye-liner were very popular.
- Hmmmmm were fat faces in??? Or was that just the way a handful of us started off in college?