Tomorrow afternoon, we'll be leaving work early and heading to Pullman for Homecoming - first time back in three years!! I would prefer my Pullman fix to happen more often, but I'll take what I can get. We're loading up the Cougar trailer, for it's maiden voyage, and heading off for the beautiful wheat fields of the Palouse. I think most WSU alumni will agree with me when I say that the feeling of going back to Pullman is so incredibly nostalgic that it brings a smile to my face - there's just something about the fresh air and scenary in Pullman that make me happy.

Here are a few of the MUST DO items on our list of things we will accomplish while in it weird that most involve eating?
I AM VERY JEALOUS! What if I still worked at Sella's?? I'd hook you up for sure, then we'd get drunk after I closed up shop and have to call Eby for a ride home.
Have fun watching our poor cougs get gashed by the Ducks. Yikes!
Have so much fun! Next year we will go for sure. Maybe we could work a shift at Valhalla??
woot! I will NOT be sporting those mom shorts and a cheerleader ribbon this year ;) CAN.NOT.WAIT!
OMG.... very funny comments! I WANT TO GO!!!! Have a blast at our old "haunts." Nothing beats Pullman in the Fall. Except maybe for the ducks.... lol. I crack myself up;)
I get goosebumps as I enter the hill down into Pullman. New bookie is nice, but I'm sure you'll agree you miss the old one. Don't you love how Daily Grind puts a chocolate BEANIE on your coffee? Have a blast!
Yaaaaa!!!! You guys are going to have a blast!!
um, totally jealous. that is all. :)
I am super duper jealous of your trip. Have so much fun and send a bread twist and salad with ranch to Bozeman for me! Last time I was in Pullman I went to Sellas and got a bread twist, salad AND a calazone. . . .couldn't make up my mind so I decided why not eat a 5,000 calorie meal.
Ooh fun! I want to do all of the things on your list! Especially visit my old stomping grounds of Daily Grind! Go COUGS!
Have so much fun! Good news, D-Grind isn't going out of business anymore I don't think (a current student told me when I was there). Enjoy your breadtwist, vanilla freeze & cougar country crinkle fries! Uh, YKYFW...
Can't wait to hear about your fun weekend in Pullman! I was amazed at how nice campus many new buildings. And gotta love the same old "Coug". It's perfect.
Ps- was totally disappointed with Daily Grind when we went there a few weekends ago. I don't think we knew what good coffee was in college! It's crap.
j.e.a.l.o.u.s..u.g.h!!! Have SO much fun, friends!
Have a great time... What to see a picture of this famous camper!!! Hopefully they don't get scored on during the opening kick off!
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