If you've seen my bare arms this week, since returning from the islands VERY CLOSE to the equator, you would understand why. I'm peeling like a snake shedding it's skin...I know, it's gross, but I can't stand to pick it, which has led me to exfoliation and wearing long sleeves all week. I have no one to blame but myself...and of course Steve for not stopping me when I applied spf 8 to my arms the first day on the beach - not.a.good.move. No need to fret, learned a quick lesson and wore spf 50 every day after and still came back with a tan. I also learned that leaving the land of rain, thick clouds and very little sun for tropical islands near the equator requires a base tan, which I obviously did not have since it appears to me that Seattle may completely skip summer this year.
Ewwwww, sicko! That photo is yucky! That song always reminds me of you for some reason, not b/c of your scales..
Justin makes me pick his when his back peels. EWWWWW!!!!! I'm sure it was all worth it. :) P.S. I gave Emily Bartlett (now Trubbiate) your contact info since she's preggers and due in August. Not like you're not busy or anything.
Maybe that song reminds you of her scaley leather face Avery?
Agreed, ewww...are you going to shed skin all over my guest bed this weekend? Don't worry, I love picking stuff, I can pick it off for you :)
Ewww is right! And I even gagged a little when Meaghan said that she will pick it for you. Glad you learned your lesson...and I hope your scales are gone by the time I see you next! Still jealous of your trip...
i hate peeling... it is the WORST... BUT, also a sign of a good time had :) I am so excited to see the rest of your photos from the trip. x0
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