We arrived yesterday around 3pm and have been having a blast ever since. Here are a few photos of our brief stay on the island before we head out on the catamaran with our friends tomorrow morning. The fascinating thing about this 37 sq. mile island is that it's a part of two different countries - the Dutch side and the French side - we're with the Dutch. To make a call from a landline from the French side to the Dutch side, a person is charged international long distance - pretty funny.

I tested my luck at one of the casinos in town and played roulette - if I had won big, I would have flown our families and friends out to join us...sorry no luck - lost $10.
Oh my gosh! Amazing pics! It is so incredibly gorgeous! Loved the update, have soooo much fun on the boat! :)
I'm not even jealous. :( I like my pasty pale skin. Ew! Yeah right, I want to dive in and go swimming with you right now. Go Eve!
Have fun at sea!! Can't wait to see more pics.
Yayyy for blog updates from paradise!! Glad your trip is off to an amazing start! Hope the adventure is continuing to be fabulous!
It looks like you guys are having a great time. Your pictures are gorgeous. Keep them coming!
Super super jealous! Can't wait to hear more!!
Looks gorgeous! I want to go to there!
Love the update from abroad! What fun it seems you are already having! Love the pic of you two in the downpour, still smiling and happy! Too cute! Have fun!
Oh, that's what paradise looks like! Haven't seen it in a while :)
I want to be there! Watch out for sharks though...they are crazy down there!
Looks like you guys are having so much fun! I cant wait to see more pics and hear stories.
Have I said before that I hate you??
Call me the minute you return! xox.
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